We offer free estimates and consultations

Tree Pruning
Proper pruning is one of the most essential things you can do to promote the health and longevity of your trees. Pruning is art, biology and dance. The arborists at Bristlecone tree care tune into each tree and know what to cut and why. They take great pride in this process as it is a form of honoring and respecting each tree. We follow the ANSI 300 Standard for pruning. We can lower a canopy without topping. We can raise a canopy without lions tailing. We can promote healthy structure in younger trees and fruit trees. This is one of our favorite ways to work with trees.

Fire Mitigation/Forest Health Restoration
From a fire mitigation standpoint having a healthy forest surrounding your home reduces the risk of fire and helps promote a diverse ecosystem. Selectively thinning out trees to provide space in the canopy and removing the deadfall from the forest floor reduces the chances of a fire spreading through the canopy and increases the likelihood of it staying on the forest floor.
By Chipping all the removed slash and broadcasting it in thin layers throughout the forest it helps speed up the decomposition process, building soil aiding in moisture retention and helping with erosion. Broadcasting chips also encourage new growth of ground cover plants which helps in soil stabilization. Proper thinning along with broadcasting chips and paying attention to the understory will help promote a thriving eco system and healthy forest which help reduce the chances of a major fire.

Hazard Tree Removal
There are a number of reasons that a tree can become hazardous to people or property. We do not remove a tree unless there is an absolute reason for it. A lot of the time a tree can be saved or the longevity can be increased through proper pruning.
We offer hazard tree analysis to determine whether or not a tree has to come down. When a tree has to be removed we utilize state of the art equipment to safely lower sections of the tree to the ground eliminating damage to your property and minimizing the impact to your lawn. We pride ourselves on safety and efficiency during this process.